Intermapper 6.5.1 nouveautés et améliorations
Septembre 2020
- Mise à jour d’OpenSSL vers la version 1.0.2U pour MacOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows,
- Mise à jour de pour Linux/Mac et Cygwin (Windows) pour plus de robustesse et corrections d’erreur,
- Mise à jour de CloneIM.VBS pour Windows pour plus de robustesse et corrections d’erreur,
- Correction de la vulnérabilité CVE-2016-2107,
- Les liens avec le status Admin Down peuvent recevoir un Acknoledged des 3 types (plus seulement Basic),
- Ajout de la possibilité d’utiliser Java pour un utilisateur non Root.
Autres corrections
- Fixed Kali UI client crashes on AIOOBE in Layer-2 Switches.
- Fixed the map list to represent correct statuses.
- Fixed down interfaces to be displayed in a down status, rather than in red and with an OK status.
- Fixed excess Event Log messaging from built-in NetScreen VPN probes.
- Fixed the issue where databases have frequent ERROR logs after upgrading to version 6.5b1.
- Fixed the issue where Intermapper crashes with ASSERT if it cannot load file from Icons.
- Fixed missing IANA-CHARSET-MIB in IM Settings.
- Fixed the Trial license expired window so it is no longer cropped on SUSE Linux Enterprise systems.
- Fixed the Intermapper update mechanism so it no longer sends users to an obsolete link.
- Fixed incorrect dates and times when changing a chart scale.
- Fixed dropping Ignore settings for interface windows.
- Fixed the Alarm Point delay, repeat, and count controls.
- Fixed the group email notifier service so it no longer crashes.
- Fixed CISCO-VIRTUAL-SWITCH-MIB error at startup.
- Fixed SSL errors and datapoints report synchronization issues that were causing executions to hang.
- Fixed the tcpInfo device list sort flags so they no longer create ASSERT errors.
- Fixed a memory problem which could result in service crashes showing an Unknown Signal -6 error.
- Fixed insertion errors in multiple database tables that caused IMDC to crash and exit.
Recevoir les liens de téléchargement d’Intermapper 6.5 |
Lire aussi : Pourquoi choisir Intermapper pour les cartes réseau ?